Your Answers to Common Questions About Mulch Blowing

Mulch blowing is rapidly gaining in popularity in Tennessee, especially among commercial customers, landlords, schools, and municipalities. With this type of professional mulch delivery and installation, you don’t need to rely on a crew leaving a mess on your property and the high labor cost of mulch installation or simply spreading the mulch yourself. Here are answers to some of the questions you may have about ordering mulch blown in and what you can expect.

How does blown-in mulch work?

Blown-in mulch uses a diesel-powered machine or powered truck that feeds mulch into a long 300-foot-long hose with paddles. As the mulch reaches the hose, high velocity air forces it through the hose. The technician has controls to change the flow of the mulch while directing it where it needs to go. The blower truck can remain on the street, driveway, or parking lot while technicians walk the property on foot, installing mulch with great precision. This system can be used to quickly and efficiently spread all types of mulch, including playground mulch, mulch chips, and shredded bark.

How long does the mulch installation take?

A blower truck and a team of two technicians are capable of mulching a large area in just a few hours. While one person spreads an average of one yard of mulch each hour, two technicians can blow in 60 yards of mulch within hours.

Does blown-in mulch damage plants?

You’ve invested a lot of time and money into choosing and placing the plants in your landscape. The last thing you want is a mulching crew trampling your delicate plants. Blowing mulch, despite the high velocity application, does not damage your plants because the technicians will take care to avoid blowing mulch directly on your plants. It’s still a good idea to avoid installing new plants within 14 days of the mulch delivery. You can also let the technicians know if you have any young or delicate plants that need extra care as these areas can be hand mulched instead.

How should I prepare for mulch delivery?

Before your blown-in mulch delivery, there are a few steps you can take to make the process faster and easier. Make sure technicians have a clear walking path around the property to reach all areas that need to be mulched. Remove old mulch, if possible, and any debris in your flowerbeds. Do not use a weed barrier if you are having organic mulch installed. Weed barriers are only temporary. As the mulch decomposes, weed seeds will grow over the barrier. The barrier also interferes with the transfer of nutrients from the decomposing mulch into the soil.

What are the advantages of having mulch blown in?

Blown-in mulch comes with many benefits whether you are a homeowner, property manager, or business owner:

  • Save time with fast mulching in hours, not days
  • Mulch can be easily installed anywhere, even hard-to-reach areas like steep hills, around shrubs, areas with low clearance, and around fencing
  • Save money with vastly reduced labor costs
  • Smooth, even results that look professional. Blown-in mulch is applied precisely where it’s needed at the correct depth
  • No mess or damage to your property. There will be no wheelbarrow tracks, trampled plants, or spilled mulch left behind
  • Ideal for applying mulch to large areas like commercial properties, multifamily landscaping, and playgrounds